Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 1: Saturday 16th

The archaeological team gathered and met for the first time on the ferry traveling from Mallaig to the Isle of Eigg. The different groups from the three participating universities (Glasgow, Cranfield and Birmingham) played 'spot the archaeologist' amongst the passengers and once discovered, we quickly delved into stories of digs already undertaken and archaeological mishaps endured. The forensic archaeologists from Cranfield shared stories of their mass fatalities course which quickly produced a discussion on the quickest way to save your life in the event of a ferry disaster (lifebuoy versus dinghy). Our morbid subject matter was quickly replaced when the ferry was visited by a dolphin and which brought out the city tourist in us all.

We were warmly welcomed to Eigg by local historian (Camille) and the owners of the Glebe accommodation. Our muscles were put to work by our uphill walk to the Glebe, where we quickly discovered our new home for three weeks and claimed territory in the bedrooms. 

Later that evening I attempted to build a toasty log fire (which was a bit of a disappointment but have been improved) and made use of the large selection of books, games and wifi. We certainly looked very academic as we sat in front of the fire in a circle armed with laptops – working either on theses, dissertations or books! We take our work seriously obviously!!

Site director, John Hunter gave the team a low-down on the week ahead and what we should expect in terms of volunteers, guided tours, talks etc. As this blog is written retrospectively, I can say that it is definitely worth reading about what we get up to on and off-site!! 

Pic: Thanks to Kasia Litwa

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